Business Data Technologies (GEN BUS 760)

Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Summer 2022

Instructor: Emaad Manzoor Office Hours: Wednesdays, 6:15 - 8:55PM CT (on Zoom)
Email: emanzoor[at] Resources: Syllabus, Canvas
Weekly Meeting Times: Asynchronous In-Person Weekend: Aug 6, 7 (8AM-5PM)

In this course, you will develop expertise in on-premise and cloud data analytics using SQL and Snowflake. You will also learn how to conceptualize data warehouse designs using entity-relationship diagrams, how to translate conceptual designs to logical designs using QuickDatabaseDiagrams, and how to translate logical designs to physical data warehouse designs in SQL.

Week Topic Readings and Assignments
Week 1 (W1)
Jul 18 — 22
M0: Introduction to The Data Storytelling Badge
M1: Storing and Analyzing Big Data
    1. Course Goals & Logistics (4:01)
    2. Data Intensive Architectures (12:48)
    3. Stages of Data Sophistication (8:12)
    4. Distributed Data Lakes (8:55)
    5. Cloud Data Lakes (12:21)
    6. Data Warehouses (6:29)
M2: Data Warehouse Analytics with SQL
    1. Introduction (4:04)
    2. MySQL Setup on a Mac (7:04)
    3. MySQL Setup on Windows (5:41)
    4. Importing the Course Databases (7:24)
    5. Retrieving Data from a Single Table (1:05:56)
    6. Combining Data in Multiple Tables (1:35:16)
    7. Grouping & Aggregating Data (51:06)
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Designing Data Intensive Applications
Learning SQL

Week 1 Assignments:
Survey (optional, due July 22)
Week 1 Quiz (due July 25)
Homework 1 (due July 28)
Week 2 (W2)
Jul 25 — 29
M1: Creating and Designing Data Warehouses
    1. Introduction (01:54)
    2. Conceptual & Logical Data Warehouse Design (1:13:52)
    3. Creating Databases, Tables, & Relationships (29:31)
    4. Data Types (13:20)
    5. Inserting, Updating, & Deleting Rows (33:18)
    6. Data Warehouse Normalization (25:16)
M2: Advanced Data Warehouse Analytics with SQL
    1. Using Subqueries (01:03:03)
    2. Using Functions (45:37)
    3. Using Views (11:10)
Database Design for Mere Mortals
The Data Warehouse Toolkit

Week 2 Assignments:
Week 2 Quiz (due Aug 1)
Homework 2 (due Aug 4)
Week 3 (W3)
Aug 1 — 5
M1: Indexing for High Performance SQL
    1. Introduction to Indexes (05:43)
    2. Creating, Deleting, & Viewing Indexes (07:17)
    3. Prefix Indexes (15:45)
    4. Full-Text Indexes (10:17)
    5. Composite Indexes (11:34)
    6. Common Indexing Pitfalls (11:31)
M2: Hadoop and MapReduce (35:47)
Week 3 Assignments:
Week 3 Quiz (due Aug 7)
Aug 6, 7
    08:30-10:00  Amazon S3 & Snowflake Hands-on
    10:00-04:00  Collaborative Project Work
    08:00-10:00  Project Presentations
    10:30-12:00  SQL Review
    01:00-02:30  SQL Practice Exam
    03:00-04:00  Schema Design Practice
Resources: setup.sql, queries.sql, countyjoin.sql
coviddata.sql, covidstates.sql, zipcodeincome.sql
schema.pdf, practiceexam.sql, review.sql
Data: Yelp, New York Times COVID19 Data
Group Presentations:
1. Income, Reviews, & COVID19
2. Consumer Loyalty & COVID19
3. Ratings & COVID19 Cases
4. Ratings & Geography
5. Best Pizza by State
6. Reputation Deflation
7. Ratings & Income
8. Yelp Influencers
9. COVID19 & Ratings
10. Useful Reviewers & COVID19
Week 4 (W4)
Aug 8 — 12
Final Exam: Aug 10, 2022, 6:15 - 8:55PM CT
Open laptop/notes, no collaboration
SQL Practice Resources: Data School
LeetCode, w3schools, SQL-practice,
HackerRank, SQL Zoo, SQL Bolt